scope resolution operator in c++

Do you also get confused when it comes to understanding the complex elements in programming? Well, it happens to all of us. Today in this post we’ll break a very important concept for you guys what is the significance of scope resolution operator in C++. 

Maybe you’re confused about how it works and why it’s important but you don’t need to worry as this post will help you know everything about the scope resolution operator, from its usability and functionality to identifying when to apply it. So without wasting any further time let’s get started. 

The Scope Resolution Operator  in C++ allows us to use variables, functions and classes in different scopes. It helps with making the identifiers clear, systemising the code and making it more manageable. 

The ultimate use of Scope Resolution Operator is disambiguating identifiers and navigating through different scopes in C++ programming.

What is Scope Resolution Operator in C++ with example

The Scope Resolution Operator  in C++ specifies the context to which a particular identifier (such as a variable or function) belongs. The operator’s main role is to access global variables, class members, namespace resolution, and global functions. The operator makes it easy to access global variables from within a local scope by specifying the global scope with :: . 

For the classes, it’s used to access static members which are variables or functions. For resolving the naming conflicts in namespaces this operator is used.  

It also allows the invocation of global functions even when there are local functions with the same name.

The scope resolution operator in C++ helps with the invocation of global functions even if there are local functions with the same name as it ensures the right function is called in the program. The code should be readable and easy to follow and this operator in C++ enhances its readability by explicitly indicating the scope of an identifier, making the code more understandable and maintainable.

In large codebases, we witness multiple namespaces and classes but by using but by using scope resolution operator in C++ we can prevent naming conflicts.   

This is a fundamental unit utilised for managing scope-related issues, maintaining code clarity, and enabling efficient use of variables and functions in various programming contexts.

Programs Using Scope Resolution Operator In C++ 

  1. For Global and Local Variable Access
#include <iostream>

int globalVar = 10; // Global variable

int main() {

    int localVar = 5; // Local variable with the same name as globalVar

    // Accessing globalVar using the Scope Resolution Operator

    std::cout << "Global variable: " << ::globalVar << std::endl;

    return 0;



Global variable: 10

The above-given program defines a global variable globalVar and a local variable localVar within the main function presented. The Scope Resolution Operator (::) is used to access the global variable globalVar from within the local scope of the main function.  


  1. Accessing Class Members
#include <iostream>

class MyClass {


    static int staticVar; // Static member variable
    static void printMessage() {

        std::cout << "Hello from MyClass!" << std::endl;



// Initializing static variable outside the class

int MyClass::staticVar = 20;

int main() {

    // Accessing staticVar using the Scope Resolution Operator

    std::cout << "Static variable: " << MyClass::staticVar << std::endl;
    // Invoking static function using the Scope Resolution Operator


    return 0;



Output : 

Static variable: 20

Hello from MyClass!


The above-given program defines a class MyClass with a static variable staticVar and a static function printMessage.

In this scenario, the Scope Resolution Operator is used to access the static variable staticVar and invoke the static function printMessage from the class.


  1. Namespace Resolution
#include <iostream>

namespace First {

    int value = 5;


namespace Second {

    int value = 10;


int main() {

    // Accessing variables from different namespaces

    std::cout << "First namespace value: " << First::value << std::endl;

    std::cout << "Second namespace value: " << Second::value << std::endl;

    return 0;



Output : 

First namespace value: 5

Second namespace value: 10


The above-given program defines two namespaces (First and Second) with a variable named value in each. We used Scope Resolution Operator to access and display the values of variables from different namespaces.


  1. Inheritance
 #include <iostream>

class BaseClass {


    void display() {

        std::cout << "BaseClass Display" << std::endl;



class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {


    void display() {

        std::cout << "DerivedClass Display" << std::endl;


    void callBaseDisplay() {

        // Using Scope Resolution Operator to call BaseClass's display




int main() {

    DerivedClass derivedObj;

    // Calling the display function of DerivedClass

    // Calling the display function of BaseClass using Scope Resolution Operator


    return 0;




DerivedClass Display

BaseClass Display


Here the program defines a base class “BaseClass” with a function display.

A derived class “DerivedClass” inherits from BaseClass and overrides the display function. After implementing Scope Resolution Operator it calls both the overridden display function in DerivedClass and the display function in BaseClass.


  1. Global Function Invocation
#include <iostream>

void globalFunction() {

    std::cout << "This is a global function." << std::endl;


int main() {

    // Invoking a global function using the Scope Resolution Operator


    return 0;



This is a global function.


This program defines a global function “globalFunction” and the Scope Resolution Operator is used to invoke the global function from within the main function.

All the above-given programs show the versatility of the Scope resolution operator in C++ and how it can help to organize and manage the code easily. There are different scopes in C++ and understanding them is pretty crucial for any individual who wants to master the language. Understanding the concepts in depth will help you master a language and crack coding rounds easily. If you’re looking for some interview questions take a look at your recent post


Disadvantages and advantages of Scope Resolution Operator In C++

There are multiple advantages of scope resolution operator in C++ as they prevent naming conflicts, and enhance the readability of code. The presence of an operator in code signifies that we’re accessing a member from a specific scope. It also helps with organizing code with namespaces. 

It prevents name clashes and makes the collaboration smoother. Extending class functionality is another beneficial element of the scope resolution operator in C++ as it allows us to access and overuse the base class members from the derived classes. 

When it comes to disadvantages the only problem is with the conciseness of the code as overusing this operator will make the code more verbose. There will be complexity with the nested spaces as it will eventually reduce code maintainability. There’s also a potential for mistakes as careful usage should be done; it can result in errors if not used accurately. 

Scope Resolution Operator In C++ FAQs

What is the meaning of :: in C++?

The two colons in C++ signify the scope resolution operator. It helps with naming the variables and avoids confusion.

What is the scope resolution operator in C++?

The operator allows us to access variables, functions, or classes defined in different scopes.

What is the scope in C++ with examples?

When you define elements in the program and the context in which a name is visible is called its scope. For example, if you declare a variable xyz within a function, xyz is only visible within that function body.


We hope you find this post helpful and get a good understanding of Scope Resolution Operators In C++. If you find this helpful leave a comment and check out our socials for more information.