File Handling Quiz

Welcome to our file handling quiz in C programming! This quiz is here to challenge you and expand your understanding of file handling in C.

File Handling : An Overview

File handling refers to the process of working with files in a computer program. In C programming, file handling allows you to read from and write to files, enabling you to store and retrieve data outside of the program’s execution. This is especially useful when dealing with large amounts of data or when you need data to persist even after the program is terminated.

The following operations can be performed on a file:-

  • Creating a new file
  • Opening an existing file
  • Reading data from an existing file
  • Writing data to a file
  • Moving data to a specific location on the file
  • Closing the file

Topics Covered

Throughout our learning journey, we have explored the following topics:

  1. File Handling

Therefore, to reinforce our understanding of these concepts, we have created a series of topic-wise quizzes.

So, Start learning through our Topic-wise Quiz to reinforce understanding of key concepts and programming principles. Thus by going back over the questions and answers, learners can solidify their understanding of fundamental concepts and identify any gaps in their knowledge. This can help them to better grasp more complex programming topics in the future.


1File Handling Quiz
2Get Started Quiz
3Flow control Quiz
4Functions Quiz
5Arrays Quiz
6Pointers Quiz
7String Quiz
8Structure & Union Quiz
9Enumeration Quiz
10Preprocessor Quiz



In this quiz, we covered the basics of file handling in C programming. In summary, we discussed the necessary header file, opening files for reading and writing, and reading from and writing to files using fscanf() and fprintf() functions. By understanding these fundamental concepts, you can work with files efficiently and effectively in your C programs.

If you’re looking to further enhance your file handling skills, we recommend exploring more advanced topics such as error handling when working with files, binary file handling, and file manipulation functions available in C.

Remember to practice what you’ve learned through coding exercises and real-life examples. So, the more you practice, the more confident you’ll become in file handling in C programming. Happy coding!